Advanced Product Quality Planning-APQP - بانک مقالات فارسی ایمان آن است که راستى را بر گزینى که به زیان تو بود بر دروغى که تو را سود دهد ، و گفتارت بر کردارت نیفزاید و چون از دیگرى سخن گویى ترس از خدا در دلت آید . [نهج البلاغه]

 4 بانک مقالات فارسی  3

Advanced Product Quality Planning-APQP (دوشنبه 88/1/31 :: ساعت 5:29 عصر )


Advanced Product Quality Planning

Phase 1 -
Plan & Define Programme - determining customer needs, requirements & expectations using tools such as QFD
review the entire quality planning process to enable the implementation of a quality programme how to define & set the inputs & the outputs.

Phase 2 -
Product Design & Development - review the inputs & execute the outputs, which include FMEA, DFMA, design verification, design reviews, material & engineering specifications.

Phase 3 -
Process Design & Development - addressing features for developing manufacturing systems & related control plans, these tasks are dependent on the successful completion of phases 1 & 2 execute the outputs.

Phase 4 -
Product & Process Validation - validation of the selected manufacturing process & its control mechanisms through production run evaluation outlining mandatory production conditions & requirements identifying the required outputs.

Phase 5 -
Launch, Feedback, Assessment & Corrective Action - focuses on reduced variation & continuous improvement identifying outputs & links to customer expectations & future product programmes.

Control Plan Methodology -
discusses use of control plan & relevant data required to construct & determine control plan parameters
stresses the importance of the control plan in the continuous improvement cycle.

Posted By: Steve Q
Modified By: robert smith
Last Modified: Sep. 4, 2003

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